Jane Pahl, our marketing colleague from UZIN UTZ North America participated in our Uzin Utz Exchange Programme in September 2022. She arrived in Amsterdam and first visited our colleagues in Haaksbergen. Besides a plant tour through the great sustainable building, she also got to know the colleagues there personally!

Her journey continued to Ilsfeld, to our brand WOLFF and also at this year's PALLMANN Days in Würzburg Jane was there! Her longest stay was with us at our Ulm site. One of the main goals for the exchange was to launch the UZIN PIM program in the USA and to publish it on the website. Lucelia Kneidl from IT Innovation accompanied Jane during her time in Ulm and showed her around after work - they went to the "Donaustadion" for soccer game, to the "Blautopf" in Blaubeuren, to the top of the "Ulmer Münster", to Neuschwanstein Castle and much more! 

This is what Jane has to say about her trip, "This trip was a huge benefit because I was able to build better relationships with the people that support us and our needs! I loved being able to meet the people I work with in person, get to know them better, and learn more about their role."



Interview with Jane Pahl

Which department have you visited?

UZIN, Pallmann, Wolff, Codex - IT Innovation, Marketing, Websites, CRM, PIM. 

Amsterdam → Enschede → Meeting and tour of Uzin Utz Netherlands, Haaksbergen → Ulm → Meeting and tour of Wolff Tools, Ilsfeld → Pallmann Days, Würzburg → Uzin Utz AG, Ulm, meetings on the main campus, working at the Seeberger building, and tours of the factories for UZIN and Codex as well as the on-site film studio.

What tasks have you taken on?

One of my main goals was to launch the US's UZIN PIM program and get it live on the website. It was nice to be there in person to work with the PIM and website teams so we could wrap up the project. I was able to ask questions and get answers immediately. Plus, PIM ran much faster in Ulm than it does in the US.

I was also able to to get tours of the manufacturing facilities at Wolff, UZIN, Pallmann, and Codex. It was a great opportunity to see how our products are made. I appreciate all of the hard work that goes into everything. 

What benefits did your visit have for you and your company?

This trip was a huge benefit because I was able to build better relationships with the people that support us and our needs! I loved being able to meet the people I work with in person, get to know them better, and learn more about their role. 

What insights were you able to take for your workplace?

I was able to learn more about the flow of operations. I now have a better idea of who our direct contacts are for certain tasks. It's very helpful to be there in person in order to understand and see how departments are working together. 

What impressed or surprised you the most?

The Netherlands building was beautiful! I loved the design, especially the consideration of light. I was also impressed with how everyone eats lunch together every day. What a wonderful way to get people away from their desks and interacting with one another. 

Also, I was so impressed with the amount of people from Ulm that work for Uzin Utz. I really liked that home town pride and feeling. I even went to the local soccer game and saw all of the Uzin Utz signs around the stadium. It makes me happy to see the company so involved with the local community. 

What did you not like at all?

I really liked the Seeberger building and offices there; however, it seems cut off from the main campus and departments they may be working with.

What cultural differences have you noticed in particular?

In the US, we may have a certain role, but we wear a lot of hats and take on a variety of responsibilities. I noticed in Germany and the Netherlands, responsibilities are much more concrete with very little divergence from that role; there are three people for three different roles, where in the US those three roles would be lumped into one person.
And the coffee in Europe is MUCH stronger than what we have in the states. 


Germany and the Netherlands were absolutely spectacular! Kneidl, Lucelia did a great job of setting things up, as well as showing me around Ulm and the surrounding areas; I couldn't have done this trip without her! 

I really enjoyed meeting everyone in person and getting to know them better. Everyone was so friendly and I learned a lot about the company. Such an amazing opportunity!




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