Referenz-Code UZIN_UTZ_SE_DE_20291
Marke Uzin Utz SE
Standort Dieselstraße 3
89079 Ulm
Befristung Temporary


Uzin Utz is a family-owned company with around 1,500 employees and is a global full-service provider for flooring systems. At our headquarters in Ulm, we develop and produce liquid and powder products for floor treatment. As an employer, we place at least as much value on personal and professional development as on the profitable growth of the Group. 

Join our International Marketing and Communications Team at our Headquarters in Ulm as a:


Your tasks:

  • Support the creation of product launch concepts and the execution of launch toolkits for global communication roll-out.
  • Support Digital Marketing efforts in regards to SEO and SEA activities.
  • Support strategic marketing projects incl. the new brand positioning.
  • Coordinate marketing budget planning at HQ and liaise with markets to create input.
  • Manage external service providers incl. corporate media services.
  • Manage and maintain Media Assets in the Digital Asset Management System.
  • Coordinate the translation processes associated with the toolkit production.
  • Participate in photo shootings and video production projects.
  • Create and update international presentations.

Your qualification:

  • You are studying for a Master's degree in Management, ideally specialising in Marketing.
  • You are fluent in English and have a good command of written and spoken German.
  • Your first work experience in the industry will be an advantage.
  • You have a solid knowledge of MS Office applications, especially Power Point, Excel, Word and Outlook.
  • Knowledge of Confluence software and Jira project management tool is an advantage.
  • You are an independent, creative and proactive worker.
  • Your ability to work in a team and your quick comprehension.

Your opportunity:

If, like us, you are passionate, appreciative and down-to-earth, we look forward to hearing from you. Send us your application documents (in PDF format) by clicking on 'Apply now' in the job advertisement. If you have any questions, you can also contact us via WhatsApp on +49 731 4097167. 

Your contact person for this position is Ms. Elisabeth Moiseev.

Deadline for applications: 14.04.2025

Jetzt bewerben

Amelie Deufel und Angelika Seregi
Personalabteilung Ulm

Für fragen:

Kontaktiere unsere Zentrale Personalabteilung in Ulm.

Erreichbarkeit: 8:30-12:00 Uhr und 13:00-16:30 Uhr

Entweder per Telefon unter: +49 731 4097-167 oder sende eine E-Mail. 

UZIN UTZ erleben - Einblicke in unsere Arbeitswelten!

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt von UZIN UTZ und gewinnen Sie Einblicke direkt aus dem Herz unseres Unternehmens. Wir öffnen Ihnen die Türen zu unseren vielfältigen Arbeitswelten und zeigen Ihnen, warum UZIN UTZ mehr als ein Arbeitsplatz ist. Lassen Sie sich von der einzigartigen Unternehmenskultur inspirieren.

UZIN UTZ Markenwelt

UZIN UTZ Ulm Verwaltung

Marke: Uzin Utz SE
Standort: Dieselstraße 3, 89079 Ulm, Deutschland

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Wir freuen uns über die Bewerbung! 

Bitte den Lebenslauf und Zeugnisse (höchster Bildungsabschluss und Arbeitszeugnisse), bevorzugt in einem Dokument, an dieser Stelle hochladen. 
Ein Anschreiben ist nicht notwendig. 
Mögliche Dateiformate sind: PDF, JPG, PNG. Die maximale Größe beträgt 10 MB pro Datei und maximal 3 Dateien.

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